Sunshine’s Tell a Friend Promo

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It’s a Good News!! Both for Sunshine’s Parents and New Parents to be ^_^

Kita punya Telling Friend Promo nih, untuk Parents Sunshine yang bisa mengajak kenalannya Mendaftar di Sunshine, akan mendapatkan Potongan SPP sebesar 50%. Undangan Telling Friend bisa diambil di sekretariat.

Dan…. untuk Calon Orang Tua Baru Sunshine, akan mendapat Cashback 1jt untuk 20 Pendaftar Pertama.

Ayo manfaatkan Promonya, dan undang kenalannya untuk datang di acara Sunshine’s Year End Festival tanggal 9 Desember 2016 pukul 08.00 – 15.00.

See you ^_^

Sunshine’s Registration for 2017 – 2018

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Wow, Sunshine is opening the registration for the Coming Academic Year..

we offer a great environment for your kids to learn, have fun, be creative, talented, and having a good attitude and character in our schools.

we adapt national and international curriculum, and we apply Howard Gardner’s Multiple Intelligence Theory in teaching and observing our children development because we know every kid is smart.

Besides qualified teaching method, we also have various program that we holds every months to support children development, not only for academic but also their skills for life, their independence, creativity, social and moral, braveness, communication, and arts. The programs are various and very interesting, such as, Pajamas Party, Art and Craft Day, Letterland Day, Chinese Day, Art and Performance Day, Independence Day, Bright and Intelligence, and other programs, which you can know the details if you visit our school in Jl. H.O.S Cokroaminoto, No. 326, Merdeka Timur, Pontianak, Phone. 0561 – 7373090.

Ups, one thing we forget to tell you, in our school, English and Mandarin are not only for a lesson but we use them in daily communication, so our kids will be able to speak English and Mandarin in daily life.

Well, what are you waiting for?  Come and join us at Sunshine 🙂

Sunshine Year End Festival


Come & join us !!
” Sunshine’s Year End Festival “
Take part with our children in ” Children Charity – Making a Difference ” in our market day.
Kami mengundang Anda dan buah hati Anda utk hadir pada :
Hari / Tgl. : Jumat, 9 De s 2016
Waktu        : 08.00-16.00
Tempat     : Sunshine, Jl. Hos Cokroaminoto No. 326, Merdeka Timur
Anak anak bisa mengikuti Perlombaan Fashion Show dan Mewarnai TK yang terbuka untuk Umum! Setiap peserta akan mendapatkan souvenir “Bag + Lunch Box”
Banyak acara menarik lainnya juga seperti :
* Kids Performances
* Art Exhibition
* Science Fair
* Market Day (hasil penjualan dari Market day, akan disumbangkan untuk Panti Asuhan)
* Bazaar & Games Stand
Ada program ” Telling Friends “ juga lho !!  Parents sunshine yang dpt mengundang kenalannya untuk mendaftarkan anaknya di sekolah akan mendapatkan potongan SPP (Syarat dan ketentuan berlaku ).
Jangan lupa Kegiatan ini terbuka untuk umum, jadi datanglah bersama buah hati anda ke TK Sunshine 🙂 Anak -anak bisa mengikuti lomba, menikmati Pertunjukan, beramal, dan bisa mendaftar untuk Trial Class. Bagi 20 murid pendaftar pertama akan mendapat cashback pendaftaran sebesar 1juta.!
See You! 🙂
Informasi lebih lanjut :
Inda ( 0821 4809 1091 )
Vinna ( 0852 8547 7229 )

The 10 Most Powerful Things You Can Say to Your Kids

1. I like you.

This is a different statement from “I love you.” This statement says, “I like who you are as a person.” Use them both.

2. You’re a fast learner.

Learning is natural. Young children are amazing at it. Learning is play to them. What you say to them early influences how they relate to learning later in life, when it can be more difficult or frustrating.

3. Thank you.

Simple courtesies are a sign of respect. Social skills are critical in life, and the best training for tact and grace starts early.

4. How about we agree to…

This is about establishing a few basic agreements that set the stage for how you work together within the family. Having agreements in place helps avoid common issues and provides a framework within which to solve problems when they do arise.

5. Tell me more.

This is a request for your children to share their thoughts, feelings and ideas with you. It also involves learning to listen, which is always a gift because it signals that you care.

6. Let’s read.

Reading to your kids brings so many benefits. It helps them build skills they need for success in life. It enriches your relationship and instills a love of learning. And books provide a gateway to the world—people, places and ideas.

7. We all make mistakes.

Problems happen. No one is perfect. Dealing with problems and learning from mistakes are vital life skills. When you have a moment in which you don’t live up to your own standards, it’s an opportunity to show your children how to take responsibility for mistakes and move on. Kids can beat themselves up over not meeting your expectations or not being perfect. Giving each other a little room around this is a gift for both of you.

8. I’m sorry.

It’s something you can learn to say. Better yet, learn to catch yourself before saying something that might later require an apology.

9. What do you think?

Asking for input and giving kids a chance to be part of family conversations lets them learn to exercise their decision-making skills and begin to take responsibility for their choices. Expressing what you think and asking for what you want are fundamental skills that will serve your children throughout their lives.

10. Yes.

While I do think “no” is still a viable option at times, too often parents are “a ‘no’ waiting to happen.” If you create a pattern of “yes” in your family, you’ll find that “no” doesn’t need to be said as often as you think.


Sunshine’s Christmas Celebration

Pada bulan Desember kemarin, TK dan Playgroup Sunshine mengadakan perayaan natal. Pada perayaan ini, anak – anak dari kelas nursery sampai TK B melakukan pertunjukan dan bazar di sekolah. Dari tiap kelas ada yang menyanyi, menari, dan membaca puisi. Anak anak dari tiap ekskul juga ikut berpartisipasi, ada pertunjukan marching band, angklung, keyboard, modern dance, tarian tradisional Indonesia, tarian tradisional Cina, dan juga vokal grup. Perayaan ini dilakukan bukan hanya untuk merayakan natal, tetapi juga untuk menyalurkan bakat anak, menanamkan rasa percaya diri mereka untuk tampil di depan orang banyak, sehingga nantinya mereka akan menjadi pribadi yang percaya diri dan berani. Untuk kegiatan bazaar, barang – barang yang dijual adalah hasil karya anak dan beberapa stand yang ikut berpartisipasi di kegiatan ini. Semua hasil penjualan anak uangnya digunakan untuk kegiatan sosial, begitu juga sebagian dari hasil penjualan stand – stand yang lain. Sunshine mengadakan kunjungan ke panti Asuhan Kasih Abadi sehari setelah pertunjukan di sekolah, anak – anak dari kelas TK B ikut mengunjungi panti Asuhan tersebut sambil memberikan sumbangan yang berasal dari hasil penjualan dan sumbangan dari orang tua. Kegiatan ini selain bertujuan untuk membantu sesama, juga untuk menumbuhkan rasa peduli, berbagi, dan kasih sayang pada anak – anak.

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Sunshine’s Pajamas Party

Pada bulan November kemarin, Sunshine mengadakan Pesta Piyama, semua anak dan juga guru datang ke sekolah dengan menggunakan piyama. Selain itu, anak – anak juga membawa beberapa barang kesayangan mereka yang biasanya mereka gunakan saat akan tidur. Ada yang membawa boneka, bantal guling, selimut, dan buku cerita. Anak – anak juga diminta membawa beberapa barang untuk mendukung kegiatan kelas. Anak kelas Nursery One (N1) yang berusia 2 – 3 tahun, membawa boneka dan tenda, mereka berkemah di dalam kelas, mendengarkan dongeng, menyanyikan lagu – lagu lullaby (lagu pengantar tidur) dan melakukan permainan dress up, memasangkan baju – baju piyama ke gambar. Anak – anak N2 yang berusia 3 – 4 tahun, membawa bantal guling. Selain mendengarkan dongeng dan menyanyikan lagu lullaby, anak – anak bermain perang bantal. Anak – anak kelas Kindergarten one (K1) membawa boneka dan senter, mereka bermain I spy di dalam gelap, yaitu bermain menebak benda yang ada di dalam kelas. Anak – anak K2, juga membawa barang favorite mereka dan senter, mereka bermain bayangan dan juga melakukan show and tell, yaitu menceritakan tentang barang favorit mereka di depan kelas dalam bahasa Inggris, mereka juga melakukan permainan dress up, memakai baju piyama ukuran dewasa dan bergaya. Adapun tujuan kegiatan ini adalah agar anak dapat mengenal dan merasakan kegiatan yang menarik bersama teman – temannya sebelum tidur, mengasah kemandirian anak, dan mengetahui apa saja yang perlu dilakukan sebelum tidur, seperti mencuci kaki, sikat gigi, dan berdoa. Anak – anak juga diajarkan cara merapikan tempat tidur dan melipat selimut. Anak – anak terlihat sangat antusias dengan kegiatan Pesta Piyama ini, mereka sangat senang ketika datang ke sekolah dan bersemangat melakukan kegiatan pesta piyama di kelas.IMG_1649.JPG IMG_1681.JPGIMG_1660.JPG

Visi Misi Sekolah Sunshine


Mendidik anak menjadi generasi yang cerdas, jujur, berkarakter, berani dan berjiwa sosial dengan lingkungan yang penuh cinta dan sistem pendidikan anak usia dini yang berkualitas.


Mengoptimalkan karakteristik dan kelebihan setiap anak

Menumbuhkan jiwa sosial melalui kunjungan ke panti asuhan, panti jompo dan kegiatan berbagi kasih

Melatih & meningkatkan kecerdasan berbahasa ( inggris & mandarin )

Meningkatkan intelektual anak

Mengembangkan ketampilan imaginative & creatifitas anak melalui bermain drama, musik, kegiatan art & craft

Membantu perkembangan motorik anak (sports, dance and movement, art and craft)


Berdasarkan visi dan misi maka tujuan pendidikan yang ingin di capai oleh TK Cahaya Mentari Pontianak adalah sebagai berikut :

  1. Meningkatkan kualitas / professional guru sesuai dengan tuntunan program pelajaran yang bermutu.
  2. Meningkatkan mutu pendidikan dan terwujudnya prestasi anak didik sesuai dengan tujuan pendidikan pra sekolah.
  3. Meningkatkan kualitas dan kuantitas pendidikan untuk membentuk anak kreatif, berkarakter, jujur, berani, berperilaku terpuji dan dan berbudi pekerti luhur serta jiwanya nasionalisme.
  4. Melengkapi sarana dan prasarana pendidikan sesuai dengan program guru mendukung kelancaran kegiatan belajar mengajar.
  5. Menjalin kerjasama dengan seluruh unsur pendukung sekolah untuk meningkatkan dan mengembangkan program sekolah.
  6. Meningkatkan kuantitas pelatihan/training guru
  7. Meningkatkan kualitas metode pembelajaran (cara mengajar)

Letterland Workshop 2014

Let’s Join Letterland Workshop 2014

Even the most experienced and confident teachers need a skills boost sometimes. Letterland phonics training courses are designed to provide you with that and more, in a relaxed but informative environment. You may benefit from training not only if you are new to Letterland but also if you want to boost your pre-existing skills or phonics knowledge. You may also get certificates from Letterland International.


Teaching Reading Method


Herewith I want to share some teaching reading methods, you may compare some ways of teaching reading and try to get your own conclusion to find the best way to teach reading.

Teaching Reading Method

by. Inda Ariestiya, S.S., M.A ELT (YL)

There are various methods to teach reading to young learners. For many years children were taught using the alphabetic method. Children learned to recognize and name letters of the alphabet in both upper and lower case. By this method it is assumed that familiarity with the form and names of letters will help children to recognize and pronounce words. By regular repetition of the letter names, this spelling out of words will enable the learner to become familiar not only with the form and name of individual letters “but also become accustomed to meeting certain letter-strings or letter clusters, the component parts of many words”. However, no matter how useful learning letter name is, it is still incomplete (Goodacre, E., 1971:25; Thompson, et al., 1999: 111-112).

This was then followed by additional method of phonics teaching. This is considered difficult in English because there is not “a perfect and invariable correspondence between the letters and their sounds” (Thompson, 1999). Thus, in the UK, in the 80s, phonics teaching was dropped and whole language approaches method became more popular. Yet, in the 90s, it was found that many children were not succeeding in reading. The blame was put on a lack of phonics teaching. Since then, phonics has returned, but combined with top-down and meaning-focused approaches to texts (Cameron, 2001, p. 133).

Nowadays, phonics has become one of the important methods of teaching reading. The study of multiple comparisons for children (5-6 years old) beginning to read with and without phonics, showed that with phonics children are better at spelling low frequency words and non-words. The children without knowledge of phonics seemed to have less well developed procedures for dealing with unknown words (Thompson, et al., 1999: 111-112). Even, Chall (1967) cited in Adams (1998) argued, that when phonics  has been taught explicitly and systematically, “it can be successfully used to identify new words not only by slow learning primary students but even by normal kindergarteners and preschoolers” (Adams, 1998, p. 56).

However, the children who were taught by phonics were much slower at reading text and less accurate than the children without knowledge of phonics in reading low frequency words with irregular letter sound correspondences (Thompson, et al., 1999: 111-112). In terms of practice, however, phonics is harder to control. “How much is the right balance and what kinds of instruction are warranted to teach phonics” (Adams, 1998, p. 52-54).

Third is word method, also known as look and say. The basis for word method is to produce meaningful reading (Goodacre, J., 1971:43-44; Brewster et al., 2008, 111). This method emphasizes repetition in order to ensure that the words met frequently, to encourage over-learning. Flash cards are often used for this method to encourage each child to learn and practice saying the word shown on the card (Campbell, 1995, p. 73; Yettreberg and Scott, 1990: 49-51; Cameron, 2001). Reading alouds and using big books can also be done to teach reading with this method.

Fourth is the sentence method, or the extended word method. The sentence method emphasizes meaning by using a complete sentence instead of the word as the unit of meaning. This method tends to attach less importance to letter-names or sounds (Goodacre, J., 1971:43-44; Campbell, 1995, p. 73). This method is more suitable for older learners who have had basic skills in reading. It will be difficult when applied in a very young learners’ classroom.

Fifth is the language experience approach. In this approach, children start reading and writing at sentence level. Its key feature is the child’s use of her own experience as the topic texts. This is used with young children and tries to make print meaningful by encouraging personal events to become part of a simple text; in this approach the emphasis is placed on experience as the basis for learning, and the reading materials are based on the child’s own language. This approach to reading is based on the children’s spoken language. The teacher writes down a sentence for the child to read which is based on what the child has said (Yettreberg and Scott, 1990: 49-5; Brewster et al., 2008, 111; Cameron, 2001, p. 149).

Several Ways Parents Can Do to Help in Children’s Reading

by. Inda Ariestiya, S.S., M.A ELT YL

First, we should know that “parental support and interest is a key factor in children’s learning”, having “good parental support” is really helpful when children start their school (Brewster et all 2008:27-28). However, only knowing the benefits of parental involvement in children’s reading is not enough, there is a big questions that need to be answered, how to give “good parental support”.

Surely, parents still need help and suggestions what they can do to help their children. First, parents can be the role model at home. Modelling is very important because children can see that their parents love to read and it will give them a good example. When parents only want to make their children love to read but they never give any example, it will be difficult to realize. Topping and Wolfendale also stated that modelling is a powerful way to influence children to have motivation and enthusiasm toward reading (1985:24-25). It is time for parents to start thinking to have private library or reading room at home or at least provide many books at home, do not only give them many toys but also give them books, so children will get used to see many books and can give a positive impact to love books. It is good to make them to love books before starting to teach them reading. Another way to encourage children loves book and love reading is making a habit of visiting library or going to book store and buy some books in weekend or at least once a month. Having this experience since they are young will create a habit in the future.

Then, after giving a good habit and enthusiasm of reading, it is better to start to establish reading routine activity at home. Establishing a daily reading routine activity such as reading story book before the children go to bed will help children learn to read. This routine activity or the reading session should not be too long, it is better to have short reading session but regularly. Parents can read the story and also help the children to learn to read by asking the picture and then pointing the words which explain the picture, parents can read the same book for several times. Being read every night will make children recognize some words or they can have the capability of sight-word recognition. Since children are easy to forget, this routine activity is very important for them.

Giving a good example and having daily-reading routine activity but do not provide reading practice for children cannot make them capable to read. Parents need to encourage their children to have a lot of practice in reading. However, it should be bear in mind that the way the parents make the children practice is fun and not giving much pressure. The situation of the reading practice should be relaxed. Children really like to have fun and play. Parents can play about letters with their children, they can do letter puzzle or hunting letters together. They also can read stories together and parents can talk and have discussion about the story they read. When children have learned to read at school and already know a little how to read, parents can listen to the children’s reading. Parents can ask their children to read to them. Furthermore, in helping the children learn to read, parents can label several things and put posters in their children room or in the reading room where children can see the words.

Then, monitoring what children have done at school is also important for parents to do. Parents can ask what their children have learned at school. Help them with their homework and help them to practice their lesson at home. Parents can reinforce the letter sound their children have learned at school for example, or parents can ask the teacher what they learned at that day and what they can do to help at home. By having a lot of practice will make children have good progress.

Another important thing that parents should remember in helping children learn to read is, do not forget to appreciate the children Sometimes parents are lack of patience; they can not control their emotion and easily get angry when the children make mistake and forget to give praise when the children achieve something when they are learning. Parents should encourage their children in learning to read, give them praise whenever they can read something or whenever they know the letter sound, even when they only recognize the letter shape. Having encouragement and praise will boost their confident and can make them feel enthusiastic in learning. On the other hand, getting anger from parents will loose their interest to continue learning.

Therefore, what can parents do if they still feel not confident in helping their children or they still do not know what to do? Parents should know that parental involvement is not only about parents helping their children at home. It needs a good cooperation with teachers. Parents can ask help from teachers at school, even the illiterate parents can help their children if they want to ask advice from the school or from the teacher. Parents can talk and have discussion what lesson they learned at school and what problems the children have, what the difficulties that parents have in order to help their children learn at home.

Besides, parent can be a volunteer at school or just do an observation in class. By attending the class, parents can see how the teacher teaches children to read, what the method the teacher uses in order to help the children learn to read or at least parents can know what their children are learning about. Graham and Kelly also stated that it is good to have parents in the classroom, they can do observation and see how the teacher teaches the children to read; on the other hand, teacher can also ask the parents who are successful in helping their children learn to read (2008:89).